Phase 1 Objectives | The Freeman Hypothesis | Testing The Hypothesis | Conclusions | Remedy |
More excerpts from the Project Freeman Slide Show Presentation...
"...words will always retain their power... the annunciation of truth..."
(Clip from 'V for Vendetta' © Warner Bros. Pictures )
Freemen can rebel against all the injustice that they disagree with, without getting violent or marching or demonstrating
If A Freeman thinks something is wrong they REBEL, peacefully...
One way of doing this is to try the 'Freeman On The Land' approach
But what actually is, a 'Freeman On The Land'?
Freemen don't need to join "movements" and follow "Gurus" or "Leaders" ("...neither a leader nor a follower be..." )
Freemen can all do their own thing, and this makes it much harder for the ruling elite to stand in their way
'A Freeman' calls this "Individual Collectivism" (or "Collective Individualism"!)
So, how can a free man become 'A Freeman'? What are the options?
According to information available on the internet there are 2 main, very contrasting strategies to become a Free Man On The Land;
'Sacrifice The Person' and 'Claim The Person'
1. Sacrifice The 'Person'
This can be thought of as similar to leaving a society such as the Co-op
This involves the de-registration of A Freeman's person from Society by giving notice that they will no longer give consent to be the legal representative of their legal fiction
A NUICOR (Notice of Understanding and Claim Of Right) is sent stating the Understandings of the situation, quoting the birth certificate and national insurance numbers and stating that the freeman Intends to leave 'Society' (The Corporation) and make a Claim Of Right to withdraw any funds in their 'Dummy Share Holder Account' (national insurance account)
The theory is that A Freeman is then still entitled to receive any benefits accrued whilst a member of Society (State Pension etc), just as they are still entitled to receive their pension accrued during employment after leaving or retiring from a company who employed them
2. Claim Right Over The 'Person'
Under this scenario A Freeman would copyright their legal fiction name and claim "first lien" over the use of it
Allegedly this then means that anyone making claim against that entity (Person) has to first post a Bond against it to a value of their choosing
This is meant to act as a deterrent to anyone wishing to make Claims against A Freeman
In 'A Freeman's' view there is a potential 'third' or 'middle' way which can be called
"Settle Up & Leave "
3. Settle Up & Leave
Here, the Freeman works out the value of their 'account' and share of 'Society', by establishing how much they have 'paid in' (credits), and then deducting what they estimate they have cost (Debits)
Then a NUICOR is sent to HM Treasury for the balance of these funds
If the funds are not forthcoming (does any free man really expects the Treasury to cough up?) then in theory the 'Accepted As Value' aspect of the Freeman strategy can be utilised on all future claims made against the Freeman
Which option do Freemen think best?
See the 'Con-Test' stage of Phase 3 for progress and outcome
Phase 1 Objectives | The Freeman Hypothesis | Testing The Hypothesis | Conclusions | Remedy |