Project Freeman Phase 3: Implementation
The 3 Tests of Lawful Rebellion
B2. Stop Paying Tax
2. Notice to Local Council
inc. Registration of Address & 'The Election Deception'
This one was simple and straight forward for 'A Freeman' who moved home in April 2009, therefore ignoring the demand for 'Council Tax' for the year April 2009 - March 2010, and has not paid any form of 'Council Tax' since.
But why do we think we have to pay 'Council Tax' in the first place? What are the "rules"? To answer this question 'A Freeman' researched the statute law and how the system works and found it begins with the 'Registered Address"
The 'Statute' which governs 'Council Tax' is called the 'Local Government Finance Act (1992)
Here are the full definitions of dwelling & residence:
so a dwelling can be a 'residence'
and a residence can be a place where a corporation is registered to do business
But "who" is liable under this Act to pay?
What is a 'resident'?
a resident is a 'person' but not necessarily a citizen or domiciliary ( ) so it could be an artificial person - corporation
and what is a 'residency'?
so, residency usually refers to an "official" place of residence
AND what does something a simple as 'HE' actually mean in Legalese?
So when the Act refers to 'persons', 'residents' and 'he' it can very easily be shown that they could be actually referring to corporations rather than people
If we wanted to be clear that the Act actually applied to 'people' we would need to see definitions included in the Act or for it to be re-worded in English saying 'people' who 'live' and referring to both 'men' and 'women' or 'all people', when it is defining 'who' is liable to pay
'A Freeman' believes that this statute is only applicable to artificial/legal fiction/corporation/persons and has nothing to do with "people" and that the Act is actually a "business tax"
But how do 'Councils' coerce people into 'Registering' their 'person' at their 'business address'?
They do this via the 'Electoral Registration' process. This letter was put through the door of 'A Freeman's' previous address somewhere towards the end of September 2009
with it was a 'Register to Vote' form
So, the local council tells you that "it is required by law" for you to fill in this form, which tells you that you must use CAPITAL letters and sign it
This creates 'Joinder' between the human being, agreeing to represent the artificial/legal fiction/person and registers this 'corporation' as being 'resident' at the address (actually house name/number plus POST CODE) given. This 'entity' is then liable for 'Council Tax' which is in effect a "business premises" tax
(There is no law requiring you to register to vote, but as of 2009 they are trying to bring in a new system of 'Individual Registration' - Visit the 'Electoral Commission' web site here to see for yourself. 'A Freeman' will be reviewing this so keep checking back to the web site to see what the findings are, or better still check it out yourself as well).
So, by getting us to register to vote 'Local Councils' trick us into becoming liable for 'Council Tax'. But is it worth registering to vote at all anyway?
'A Freeman' believes not, to explain why let's look at the 'Election Deception'
Why deception? Well, first here are the numbers from 2005 when 'Labour' got back in to 'Power'
What they always show us in the Media is the 'Share of Vote'
This makes us believe that we have 'Democracy' as the party with most of the votes gets to form 'HER MAJESTY'S GOVERNMENT'
However, share of votes is only part of the picture and analysis of the whole picture tells a different story...
The crazy 'first past the post' system means that even though 'Labour' only received 35% of the VOTES in 2005 they had 55% of the SEATS in government
And, when we consider that their 35% of votes was only 22% of the electorate and a measly 16% of the population we can see it is not 'Democracy' at all
This slide tells the story, Labour's less than 10 million votes (9,552,436). The vast majority of the people in the country (84%!!) are not represented
It was the same with the 2010 election. Here is the 'Share of Votes'
But if we look at the whole picture and show the breakdown of how the total electorate exercised their prerogative...
...we can see that IN REALITY the biggest share of the electorate voted for 'None of the above' (where is Homer Simpson?)
So, most people by far, who have the right to vote, show their disdain or at best apathy for this so called 'Democratic' system and do not endorse the system by voting
'A Freeman' suggests that this proves that the majority of 'The People' do NOT give consent to be governed by those in power and in fact are NOT REPRESENTED AT ALL by 'HER MAJESTY"S GOVERNMENT'
If we look at the 'left wing / right wing" political spectrum in terms of the amount of interference of government in peoples lives, we see the true story
Although both the UK and US governments are always referring to their respective countries as being 'Democracies' in fact neither is constitutionally set up in this way
in fact the US was founded as a 'Republic' under a constitution and the UK is a 'Constitutional Monarchy', so we're not really being governed as we think we are supposed to be!
As we move across the spectrum from 'left' to 'right' the amount of control, legislation and bureaucracy increases, as does of course the cost.
'A Freeman' does not register to vote as the system is deeply flawed, un-representative and uses deception to generate registered persons with registered addresses liable for council tax
So, in response to the 'Electoral Registration' letter 'A Freeman' sent a very simple notice to the local council confirming that he was no longer the 'Lawful Owner' of his previous home, his current address for correspondence and of course instructions for the correct addressing of mail
You can see this simple notice here
In April of 2010 'A Freeman' happened to be visiting his previous address when he was called upon by a representative of the Local Council called Steve, who was a council tax 'inspector'
However officious and stroppy Steve may have been 'A Freeman' knew his rights and therefore knew he was under no obligation whatsoever to answer any of Steve's questions, especially as he could not lend 'A Freeman' a phone with which to call his office and verify HIS I.D.
No Council Tax has been paid by 'A Freeman' since February 2009 and no further correspondence has been received by him
(last update 17th May 2011)