Project Freeman Phase 3: Implementation
The 3 Tests of Lawful Rebellion
Stage A: 'Test'
A1. Test 'The Law'
Reporting Her Majesty's War Crimes
Step 2.
Report Government War Crimes to Metropolitan Police
Activity & Outcome
1. UK Government War Crimes Reported (20th May 2009)
No incident number was raised
2. Telephone Follow Up (June 2009)
Calls made to clarify name of officer responsible for taking action
3. Response Received from Detective Superintendent (DSI) (25th June 2009)
The envelope did not waste an opportunity to worry the recipient about "Terrorism" (fear is control)
The letter stated that the Metropolitan Police, just like Suffolk Constabulary were going to do nothing
But they also breached the 'Home Office Rules For Recording Crime' as you can see below
No incident report was registered which meant not only that NO crime would be officially recorded, but that the incident itself would appear never to have taken place!
At this point 'A Freeman' raised an I.P.C.C (Independent Police Complaints Commission) complaint against The Suffolk Constabulary DCI and The Metropolitan Police DSI for "...failure to fulfil duties..."