More excerpts from the Project Freeman Slide Show Presentation...
75% Yes
'A Freeman' could find no "official" confirmation of anything called 'Fleet Law'.
However, the inheritance of the Law Merchant and the application of contracts, together with the anecdotal evidence suggests this part of the hypothesis is "water tight"!
(It's just been given the wrong name)
And, if you assume that the application of the Civil Law via statutes IS based on offer and acceptance of contracts the proof is certainly in the pudding
'A Freeman' has had success with using the Merchant Contract principles in dealings with:
The Police, including complaints made against them
The Local Council, on parking tickets (FPN's) and attempts to charge Council Tax
A Holiday Park Company, regarding payment of ground rent
An Insurance Company, regarding notice of no claims bonus
The Local Health Authority, regarding standards of care provided
The Royal Mail, regarding attempts to charge for collecting items without giving notice
and the same principles were used with DVLA, HMRC & HM Treasury
(see phase 3 for more details)