



Part 1

Time To SEE

Part 2

Time To BE

Part 3

Time To FREE


Troubadour Community Trust

Project Media


Links & External Media

Project Freeman Phase 3: Implementation

A1. Test 'The Law'

B1. Become A 'Freeman of Information'

C1. Change Person Status

A2. Test Freeman Remedies

B2. Stop Paying Tax

C2. Community Trusts

A2. Test Freeman Remedies

1. Discharge Parking FPN

2. Test "This Is Not Me"

3. Discharge Credit Cards


Test the various Freeman On The Land Remedies proposed on the internet to determine which are actually effective in practice

There are two main types of remedies which we've called "Strategies" and "Tactics" due to their nature and degree of difficulty



1. Strategies For Becoming A Freeman

This is on-going and mostly depends on research.

More will be posted on this later


2. Freeman Tactics

We decided to test the remedy theories on real life situations as they arose within the project team.

We looked at the 3 main tactics for discharging 'Claims' made against a free man via 'Penalty Charge Notices' (parking tickets), miscellaneous claims using the "This Is Not Me" approach and 'Demands for the payment of Unlawful Usery' (credit card debt), as proposed by freeman on the land websites on the internet

These are what sceptics might call "freeman on the land urban myths", and where without the knowledge gained through this project 'A Freeman' would have normally just gone along with the 'authority' making the claim and paid up!

But because 'A Freeman' now understands the theory of how notices and merchant contracts operate because of the knowledge gained in Phase 1, he was able to test this knowledge in practice.

As far as the 'freeman on the land urban myths' go, what we suspect is that many who talk of these concepts, both advocates and sceptics, have never actually tried them

But, the proof is in the pudding as they say, so the only way to establish the truth is to test these theories in practice.

The trials carried out are summarised below

Click on the 'Activities' below to view the detail

Start Date

1. Discharge Fixed Penalty Notice - Parking

Local Council
January 2009
Claim Abandoned
Debt Collection Agency
April 2009
Claim Abandoned
Credit Card Companies
April 2009
Estoppel Not Challenged


Every Day Situations

We also looked at these situations that arose within the project team during this phase and where the freeman learning about law, contracts, offers etc were put to the test

Start Date
4. Dispute Issue of Fixed Penalty Notice - Shop Lifting
Local Police
March 2009
Claim Cancelled
5. Challenge Aggressive Penalty Charges - Ground Rent
Holiday Park Company
March 2009
Charges Cancelled
6. Challenge Standards of Care - Mental Health
Local Health Authority
April 2009
Major Success - Working Practices Amended
7. Challenge Excessive Handling Charges
Royal Mail
May 2009
Charges Cancelled

All with successful outcomes...

As you can see, so far it's 7 - NIL to Project Freeman!

(This page last updated 15th May 2011)


A1. Test 'The Law'

B1. Become A 'Freeman of Information'

C1. Change Person Status

A2. Test Freeman Remedie

B2. Stop Paying Tax

C2. Community Trusts






Part 1

Time To SEE

Part 2

Time To BE

Part 3

Time To FREE


Troubadour Community Trust

Project Media


Links & External Media