

Part 1

Time To SEE

Part 2

Time To BE

Part 3

Time To FREE


Troubadour Community Trust

Project Media

Links & External Media


Phase 1: Evaluation Phase 2: Strategy

Phase 3: Implementation

Phase 3 Objectives
The 3 Tests Of Lawful Rebellion

The 3 Tests Sub Menu

Phase 3A. TEST

Phase 3B. PRO-TEST

Phase 3C. CON-TEST

A1. Test 'The Law'

B1. Become A 'Freeman of Information'

C1. Change Person Status

A2. Test Freeman Remedies

B2. Stop Paying Tax

C2. Community Trusts


Implementing The 3 Tests of Lawful Rebellion

Stage B. 'PRO-TEST'

(Within the System)


This also involves 'A Freeman' serving Notices under the Freedom of Information Act (2000) to any public body holding information about him, to obtain that information for the project

e.g. Serving Notice on HMRC to obtain his 'persons' tax and national insurance records


The Phase 3 Stage A 'Test' stage has shown that 'The State' (UK) does not abide by its own 'laws'. The Police have refused to investigate 'A Freeman's' War Crime allegations and all appeals have failed.

'A Freeman' will therefor stop paying tax in Protest and so as to remain law abiding by not funding the State's illegal wars. This involves serving Notices to the various 'authorities' advising them of the lawful reasons for the withholding of tax. This can be done by both employed and self employed people


Phase 1: Evaluation Phase 2: Strategy

Phase 3: Implementation

Phase 3 Objectives
The 3 Tests Of Lawful Rebellion




Part 1

Time To SEE

Part 2

Time To BE

Part 3

Time To FREE


Troubadour Community Trust

Project Media

Links & External Media